Ανάμεσα στα πολλά αντίο που γράφτηκαν αυτές τις μέρες για τον Νίκο Τριανταφυλλίδη, ξεχώρισαν αυτά του Sivert Høyem, του Steve Wynn, αλλά και του πατέρα του, Χάρρυ Κλυνν.
Ο Sivert Høyem πόσταρε το παρακάτω εκτενές μήνυμα, στην επίσημη σελίδα του στο Facebook:
«FOR NICHOLAS TRIANDAFYLLIDIS Thinking about my friend Nicholas Triandafyllidis who passed away on Monday, only 49 years old. He was a film director and producer, club-owner, music promoter and lovable wild man, soft-spoken and kind, but with a savage laugh (feel free to add more things to the list). Nicholas was Madrugada's first Greek promoter. A connoisseur of rock'n roll, underground culture and anything noir, he would become our companion on many a post-show foray into the Athens night. Cool Nicholas in spotless black downing his Whisky Amaretto like a king, he was someone we were all immediately drawn to. Our friendship was rooted in music and founded on our initial business relation, but it endured even as the band moved on. Gagarin 205, his club in Athens, hosted numerous Madrugada and Sivert gigs. A chat and a few drinks in his office, where posters bore witness of his exploits in underground cinema (his 2001 documentary on Screamin' Jay Hawkins is a must see!), was a natural first stop on any visit. He always made you feel welcome and he always made you feel well. Nicholas leaves behind a teenage daughter and the woman he has shared the last eight years of his life with. My heart goes out to those who were closest to him. Through his work and through the strength of his personality he reached far beyond the borders of his native country, and his absence will be felt by friends and colleagues in many corners of the world. Goodnight my friend ... we will miss you!»
Ο Steve Wynn, πάλι, έγραψε: «RIP Nicholas Triandafyllidis. A good pal as well as a mighty fine ally in the holy cause of good music and good times. You'll certainly be missed. Condolences to all of my pals in Athens».
Ο δε πατέρας του εκλιπόντος, Χάρρυ Κλυνν, αρκέστηκε σε μια χιουμοριστική φωτογραφία με τον Κωνσταντίνο Μητσοτάκη να καπνίζει και τη λεζάντα «Και μετά σου λέει, το κάπνισμα σκοτώνει. Φτάνει πια! Όχι άλλη προπαγάνδα!».
Όπως ανακοίνωσε η σύντροφος του σκηνοθέτη, Μαρίνα Δανέζη, η κηδεία του θα γίνει σήμερα στις 14.00 το μεσημέρι, στο Δημοτικό Κοιμητήριο Ζωγράφου.